WhatsApp Group Message

How can I introduce this on my kids WhatsApp class group?

The class WhatsApp can be a tricky place to bring up the issue of smartphones. Some parents have already got them for kids, and it can feel confronting. The best approach is gentle, compassionate and non-judgemental. Here’s more detailed info on how to talk about this topic.

Here is a suggested message for your class WhatsApp group, but please do edit it to use your own voice:

Introduce SFC & invite to WhatsApp

Hi everyone,

Have you heard about the SFC movement of parents that has sprung up across the world recently? It’s all about connecting and empowering parents to talk about smartphones and social media in an open way, and to change the “norm”, so that we don’t feel pressured into having to get a smartphone, just because everyone else does.

I’ve been worrying about what it’s going to be like for [INSERT CHILD NAME] having a smartphone, and would love to find out what you all think?

Lots of parents have started SFC WhatsApp groups for their schools, which you can find at https://linktr.ee/smartphonefreechildhoodsa and thousands of parents have signed the Parent Pact to delay giving smartphones until high school.

This and lots more info on their website www.sfc-sa.co.za

Share the Parent Pact

Hi everyone,

I’ve just signed the SFC Parent Pact, and wanted to share it with you! It’s part of a global movement where parents are committing to delay smartphones for kids until high school, helping to change the “norm” and take the pressure off us all.

It has every primary school in SA listed and when 10 parents from the same school and grade sign up, the pact “unlocks”.  At this stage we’ll get an email notifying us of the others in our grade who’ve signed, so we can support each other and help ensure our kids are not “the only ones” without smartphones!

If you’re interested, you can sign the Parent Pact and connect with like-minded parents at our school here www.sfc-sa.co.za/pact